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AlpineJS: The Modern Alternative to jQuery You Need to Try

Aug 28, 2024

If you’ve been around the web development block as long as I have, you’ve seen the rise and fall of countless frameworks. I’ve danced with jQuery, navigated the waters of Vue, ridden the React rollercoaster, and even tried my luck with Angular (we don’t talk about that). But in this ever-evolving landscape, there’s an under-the-radar tool that has been gaining serious traction, especially in the Laravel community with the TALL stack: AlpineJS. And let me tell you, it’s a game-changer, especially for those of us working with platforms like Shopify and WordPress

A Blast from the Past: The jQuery Era

Remember the days when jQuery was the go-to for all things JavaScript? It was magical! You could manipulate the DOM, handle events, and create animations with a few lines of code. jQuery made JavaScript approachable and fun, turning complex tasks into simple, elegant code snippets. But as web development evolved, so did the need for more robust frameworks. Enter Vue, React, and Angular—powerhouses that took the world by storm, but often at the cost of simplicity.

Why AlpineJS is the Modern jQuery

Fast forward to today, and web development has come full circle. Server-side rendering is back in vogue, and there’s a growing demand for lightweight, easy-to-implement solutions. This is where AlpineJS shines.

AlpineJS is a minimal, lightweight JavaScript framework that gives you the power of React and Vue at a fraction of the complexity. Here’s why:

  • Tiny Footprint: Here’s the kicker: AlpineJS is tiny. At around 10KB minified (and gzipped), Alpine is dramatically smaller than jQuery, which comes in at around 90KB minified. That’s nearly a 10x difference! This small size means faster load times and better performance, particularly on mobile devices or in environments where every kilobyte counts.
  • Simplicity: Just like jQuery, AlpineJS is easy to learn and quick to implement. You don’t need to set up a build process or deal with complex configurations. Just drop a script tag on your page, and you’re good to go.
  • Reactive and Declarative: Alpine brings the reactivity of modern frameworks to your HTML. No need to learn a new language or syntax—just add a few x- attributes to your HTML, and you’ve got dynamic, reactive components.
  • No Build Step Required: Unlike React or Vue, Alpine doesn’t require a complex build process. You can include it directly in your HTML and start building interactive components right away.
  • Works Seamlessly with Existing Tech: Whether you’re working with a modern stack or maintaining a legacy site, AlpineJS fits right in. It’s especially well-suited for platforms like Shopify and WordPress, where you might not have the luxury of a full JavaScript framework.

I prefer AlpineJS because it combines powerful features with a much smaller footprint than jQuery, making it a leaner and more efficient choice for modern web development.

AlpineJs vs jQuery - Comparison

Let’s compare how AlpineJS and jQuery handle a common use case: toggling the visibility of a menu.

jQuery Example

$('#toggleButton').click(function() {

Alpine Example

<div x-data="{ open: false }">
  <button @click="open = !open" id="toggleButton">Toggle Menu</button>
  <div x-show="open" id="menu" x-cloak>This is the menu content</div>

In this simple example, AlpineJS offers a more declarative approach, embedding the logic directly within the HTML. There’s no need to wait for the DOM to be ready or manually bind events—it’s all seamlessly integrated.

A More Complex UI: Slide-Out Cart

Here’s a more complex example: a slide-out cart UI.

AlpineJS Example

<div x-data="{visible: false}" x-cloak>
  <button @click="visible = !visible">Toggle Cart</button>
    class="fixed left-0 top-0 z-50 h-full w-full bg-black bg-opacity-50"
    x-transition:enter="transition ease-out duration-300"
    x-transition:leave="transition ease-out duration-300"
    x-transition:leave-start="opacity-100 "
    @click.outside="visible = false"
    @keyup.escape.window="visible = false"
    class="pointer-events-auto fixed right-0 top-0 z-50 h-dvh w-full max-w-lg"
    x-transition:enter="transition ease-out duration-300"
    x-transition:leave="transition ease-out duration-300"
    Hello Cart

In jQuery this would look like that\

<div id="cartContainer" class="relative">
  <button id="toggleButton">Toggle Cart</button>

  <!-- Background Overlay -->
    class="pointer-events-none fixed left-0 top-0 z-50 h-full w-full bg-black bg-opacity-50 opacity-0 transition-opacity duration-300"></div>

  <!-- Cart Panel -->
    class="pointer-events-auto fixed right-0 top-0 z-50 h-dvh w-full max-w-lg translate-x-full transform bg-white transition-transform duration-300">
    Hello Cart

  $(document).ready(function () {
    let visible = false;

    $('#toggleButton').click(function () {
      visible = !visible;

    $('#overlay').click(function () {
      visible = false;

    $(document).keyup(function (e) {
      if (e.key === 'Escape') {
        visible = false;

    function toggleCart() {
      if (visible) {
          .removeClass('opacity-0 pointer-events-none')
          .addClass('opacity-100 pointer-events-auto');
      } else {
          .removeClass('opacity-100 pointer-events-auto')
          .addClass('opacity-0 pointer-events-none');

Simplicity and Clean Code AlpineJS allows you to manage state (visible) and handle events directly within the HTML using attributes like x-show, @click, and @keyup.escape.window. This approach reduces the need for separate JavaScript code, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code.

Transitions are built in With AlpineJS, transitions are handled declaratively using x-transition. You don’t have to manually toggle classes or write complex JavaScript logic to achieve the same effects. This makes your code more intuitive and easier to understand.

Event Handling AlpineJS simplifies event handling by allowing you to bind events like click and keyup.escape.window directly within the HTML, which is more straightforward than writing separate jQuery event listeners.

Automatic DOM Updates AlpineJS automatically updates the DOM when the state changes. In the jQuery version, you need to write functions to manually update the DOM, which adds more code and complexity.

Reduced Boilerplate With AlpineJS, there’s no need for additional setup or $(document).ready functions. You simply declare what you need in your HTML, making the code more concise.

Great choice for Laravel Blade and Shopify's Liquid

Now, let’s talk about how AlpineJS plays nicely with templating engines like Liquid(used in Shopify) and Laravel Blade. These engines are all about rendering dynamic content on the server, and AlpineJS complements this by adding interactivity on the client side.

In a Shopify project, for example, you might use Liquid to render a product list server-side, then sprinkle some Alpine magic to add interactive elements like filters, modals, or dynamic content toggles. Because Alpine works directly in your HTML, there’s no need to overhaul your existing Liquid templates—just enhance them.

Similarly, in a Laravel project using Blade (like a modern WooCommerce Store), Alpine allows you to add reactive components directly within your Blade templates. Need a dropdown menu or a dynamic form? Alpine has you covered with a few simple attributes, keeping your Blade templates clean and maintainable.

The Future is Alpine

In a world where web development is increasingly complex, AlpineJS offers a breath of fresh air. It’s lightweight, simple, and powerful enough to handle most of the interactivity you’ll need in modern web projects. Whether you’re working with an older tech stack or just want a simpler alternative to heavy frameworks, AlpineJS is a fantastic choice. It’s like jQuery for the modern era—familiar yet fresh, powerful yet lightweight.

So, next time you’re about to reach for jQuery or set up a complex React project for a simple site, give AlpineJS (or HTMX) a try. You might just find they’re the tools you’ve been looking for all along.